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Videos and Audio to help guide your own Mindfulness practice

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Understanding Mindfulness

It has never been more important to do things that focus on and improve our well-being, not just for ourselves but so that we can support those around us too.

We have a variety of media resources to aid you in your Mindfulness journey.

Mindfulness Taster Course Meditations (Audio)

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The Body Scan to connect the body & mind

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Body and Breath Meditation to gather the busy mind

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Mindfulness in everyday life

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) Course Meditations (Audio)

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01 MBCTL Body Scan

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02 MBCTL Stretch & Breathe

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03 MBCTL Breathing Space

Waking up to the Hazards Practice

This practice is about waking up to the patterns of mind and body often present in our meditation practice but not always clearly seen.

These same patterns crop up in our daily lives too, pressing our buttons unknowingly. With practice we can learn how to loosen their grip on our experience and with clearer seeing proceed into the next moments of our day with more awareness, clarity and peace.

Mindfulness : A practical guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World

These meditations can be used for home practice, to reconnect with previous learning or just to help find peace and calm when you need it.

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