Lorraine has been an individual and group Psychotherapist for over 30 years, working with a wide range of clients and issues. She has worked for the NHS and Social Services, in education and in private practice.
She has taught Integrative Psychotherapy courses for students in training to become both adult and child and adolescent psychotherapists and counsellors.
She has been a Mindfulness Teacher for over 10 years and has run over 50 MBSR/MBST 8 week courses for individuals and groups ranging from health professionals and writers to the London Fire Brigade.
Lorraine is currently the mindfulness lead for the University of Kent and, over the past 7 years, has delivered many courses for staff and students She has written and delivered several custom made courses for students with specific learning needs and is in the process of preparing a specific course for medical school students.
Through the University she has also co-written a course with staff from the Brompton academy in Gillingham for year 11 students, using mindfulness to help deal with exam stress.
In her private practice Lorraine mostly provides supervision for psychotherapists and counsellors. She is currently the core tutor for the Terapia supervisor course for trainee supervisors.
Lorraine teaches mindfulness because, of all the courses she has been on and taught over her 30 year career, the MBSR/MBCT course has personally changed her life for the better. She fervently believes that if you actually participate fully on the course it really works to reduce stress and negative patterns of behaviour as well as enhancing happiness and well-being.
Lorraine has written several articles and has co-written two books: Mindfulness and Stress with McMillan publishing 2016 and Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Student Learning with Open University Press 2023.