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As a registered charity, we rely on donations and Gift Aid to expand the work that we do. For every £10 donated we are able to offer reduced concessions priced tickets for those unable to afford full price tickets enabling fairer access to our training for everyone.

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As a registered UK Charity we are hugely grateful to our supporters for all donations, large or small, that help support our work.

You can donate in a number of ways and by completing the Gift Aid Declaration Form at the bottom of this page your donation will be worth 25% more – at no extra cost to you.

​When you give money to Tenterden Mindfulness under Gift Aid, we can reclaim basic rate tax on that money – currently 25 pence to the pound. If you are a UK taxpayer, this means that a £1.00 donation would be worth £1.25 just by filling in the short Gift Aid Declaration Form.

To qualify for Gift Aid you simply need to be a UK taxpayer. You need to have paid or expect to pay enough UK income/capital gains tax in the tax year your gift was received to cover all the Gift Aid donations you make to charity that year.

Donate via PayPal

You can make a direct payment to us using PayPal by clicking the Donate button below

Donate via your Bank

You can also make a direct payment to us via bank transfer – please contact us for our bank details.

[email protected] 

Please use your name as the reference

Gift Aid Declaration Form

Please complete this form to confirm that you are happy for us to treat all donations that you make as Gift Aid donations.