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How PayPal works
When you purchase anything with Tenterden Mindfulness, including making donations, the payment is taken by PayPal – this is how it works and what to expect.
Step 1
Click proceed to payment. This will take you to PayPal
Step 2
This is the first screen you see at PayPal.
If you do not have a PayPal account, click ‘Pay by Debit or Credit Card’
If you have a PayPal account – login and process payment
Step 3
Once you have clicked to enter, you will be asked to enter your email
Once you have done this, click continue, and this will take you to the payment details screen
Step 4
Process the payment as you normally would on any payment online
Once complete, you will receive an email from Tenterden Mindfulness and PayPal to confirm your booking and your payment